July 2019 Real Estate and Mortgage Trends – San Diego California
Buyers and homeowners are capitalizing on the historically low levels of mortgage rates we’ve seen this last month.
Buyers and homeowners are capitalizing on the historically low levels of mortgage rates we’ve seen this last month.
This licensee is performing acts for which a real estate license is required. C2 Financial Corporation is licensed by the Arizona Department of Real Estate, Broker # 0919209, California Department of Real Estate, Broker # 01821025; Colorado Division of Real Estate; Florida Office of Financial Regulations, OFR# MLDB21786; Hawaii Department of Financial Institutions, Broker# HI-135622; Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services, DIFS# FL0023565, SR0023566; Mississippi Department of Banking and Consumer Finance; Oregon Division of Finance, DFR# ML-4917; Tennessee Department of Financial Institutions, DFI# 135622; Texas Department of Savings and Mortgage Lending, NMLS 135622; Washington Office Department of Financial Institutions, DFI# MB-135622; NMLS# 135622. Loan approval is not guaranteed and is subject to lender review of information. All loan approvals are conditional and all conditions must be met by borrower. Loan is only approved when lender has issued approval in writing and is subject to the Lender conditions. Specified rates may not be available for all borrowers. Rate subject to change with market conditions. C2 Financial Corporation is an Equal Opportunity Mortgage Broker/Lender. The services referred to herein are not available to persons located outside the state of AZ, CA, CO, FL, HI, MI, MS, OR, TN, TX and WA. C2 Financial Corporation has the ability to broker VA loans based on their relationship with VA approved lenders. C2 Financial Corporation is not acting on behalf of or at the direction of HUD/FHA or the VA. Texas Complaint/Recovery Fund Notice: (https://www.sml.texas.gov/ResidentialMortgageLoanOriginator/rmlo_mb_forms.html). The C2 corporate website is www.c2financialcorp.com. The NMLS Consumer website is www.nmlsconsumeraccess.org | Consent Preferences.
Todd Swanson is licensed in AL 90243, AR 242366, AZ DFI 1043112, CA DRE 1162260, CO DRE 100509491, FL OFR LO65948, HI HI-242366, KS LO-0052167, MI 242366, MS DBCF, NM 394092, OR DFR, PA 106913, TN 242366, TX SML, WA DFI MLO-242366, WY 106663, NMLS 242366
C2 Financial Corporation is licensed in: AL 23303, AR 129945, AZ DFI 919209; CA DRE 01821025; CO DRE, FL OFR MBR3519; HI DFI HI-135622, KS MC0025884, MI FL0023565, MS DBCF 135622, NE DBF, NM FID, OR ML-4917, PA 104755, TN 135622, TX SML, WA DFI MB-135622, WY 4631 NMLS 135622